This is a prompting Blog

My intent here is to write a poem from the prompt I give to you , the reader, in hopes that it will inspire something and get others to write with me.

Monday, July 18, 2011

Multi-Prompt Monday has changed...

We are making a change to Multi-prompt Monday, just as we did for WOW, we will now be doing a finish this line on Monday umtil further notice, we know you all will understand and thank you for your support !
The rules are you must use the line as the first line in prose or poetry.
Today's line is...I FELT VERY FAR FROM HOME

when I became a ward of the court,
I am still very scarred from beatings,
some of those bruises I still support...

It's not that I want to keep them,
but they come back in different ways,
emotional scars are truly
the hardest to keep at bay...

I've forgiven those responsible
and tried hard to move on,
even went as far as returning
to that hurtful home,
but it all comes back to haunt me
in not so subtle ways,
those scars will be with me
until my dieing days.

I really want my family
to know I still love them,
but the saying, for me, is too true,
I cant go home again...

It's a very short distance
to where I have stopped my roam,
still I can not help the way
I feel very far from home.