This is a prompting Blog

My intent here is to write a poem from the prompt I give to you , the reader, in hopes that it will inspire something and get others to write with me.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Today's Prompt is BOOK OF LOVE

Today is Chapter three in the book of love.
Here is how it goes...

Chapters                         Forms of poetry
1) Parents                     1) Tanka
2) Siblings                    2) 15 words or less
3) Spouse                     3) Crapsey Cinquain
4) Children                    4) Acrostic
5) Friends                     5) Flash 55
6) Pets                          6) English Sonnet
7) Self                           7) Free Verse

The rules are ...
Once you use a form you can not use it again, we are looking to have all seven forms used in the book.
Once you use a chapter you can not use it again, all the chapters must be used.
You may use any form with any chapter as long as you do not repeat them.
Bandit and I are doing ours in the order given for both the chapters and the form.
So our book of love looks like this

1) Parents   A Tanka poem
2) Siblings  15 words or less
3) Spouse   A Crapsey Cinquain
4) Children   An Acrostic Poem
5) Friends  in a Flash 55
6) Pets   An English Sonnet
7) Self    A Free Verse
Today we are doing a Crapsey Cinquain, which have many forms to choose from.  We will be doing ours in a Garland cinquain which consists of a series of six cinquains  (2,4,6,8,2 in each) in which the last is formed of lines from the preceding five, typically line one from stanza one, line two from stanza two, and so on. 
A Garland Crapsey Cinquain
breaking softly
as I wake in your arms
wanting only to be closer
to you
making you move from me
 I reach for one more loving kiss
from you
we move in time
begining our new day
loving each like it is my first
with you
will be ours forever
happily living in this world
near you
of your sweet love
as you leave for your job
longing once again for the night
with you
begining our new day
happily living in this world
with you