This is a prompting Blog

My intent here is to write a poem from the prompt I give to you , the reader, in hopes that it will inspire something and get others to write with me.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Today's Prompt is BOOK OF LOVE

Today we are going to try something I just came up with, seven days of love is the prompt. We will be doing a book of love. Here is how it goes...

Chapters                         Forms of poetry
1) Parents                     1) Tanka
2) Siblings                    2) 15 words or less
3) Spouse                     3) Crapsey Cinquain
4) Children                    4) Acrostic
5) Friends                     5) Flash 55
6) Pets                          6) English Sonnet
7) Self                           7) Free Verse

The rules are ...
Once you use a form you can not use it again, we are looking to have all seven forms used in the book.
Once you use a chapter you can not use it again, all the chapters must be used.
You may use any form with any chapter as long as you do not repeat them.

This is a book of love, so lets sweeten up and make it as syrupy as possible,

Bandit and I are doing ours in the order given for both the chapters and the form.
So our book of love looks like this

1) Parents   A Tanka poem
2) Siblings  15 words or less
3) Spouse   A Crapsey Cinquain
4) Children   An Acrostic Poem
5) Friends  in a Flash 55
6) Pets   An English Sonnet
7) Self    A Free Verse

A Tanka poem

For Mom

The love that you give
made me who I am today
Without you, who knows
What would have become of me
Your love made me beautiful


One Stop Poetry Sunday Picture Prompt Challenge.

*The following is my response to the One Stop Poetry Sunday Picture Prompt Challenge. This amazing prompt was shot by photographer Sean McCormick. He is featured today on One Shoot Photography Sunday. I did mine with the flash55 in mind...

In the early hours of morning
as the meteors shower the sky
alone in the chartreuse fields
lovers watch the night go by

The sky has remarkable beauty
as the red glow fades from sight
casting shadows on the horizon
dawn breaks with slow delight

Stillness fills the air...
love caught in a warm embrace.