Terza rima is a three-line stanza using chain rhyme in the pattern A-B-A, B-C-B, C-D-C, D-E-D. There is no limit to the number of lines, but poems or sections of poems written in terza rima end with either a single line or couplet repeating the rhyme of the middle line of the final tercet. The two possible endings for the example above are d-e-d, e or d-e-d, e-e. There is no set rhythm for terza rima, but in English, iambic pentameter is generally preferred.
Tender as if just off the vine
in you're hands lies my heart
sweet are your lips, easing my mind
In the dawn together we start
I follow closely to your lead
knowing we will never part
If someday my heart does bleed
I know you're there to help it mend
your healing love is all I need
Though the road may sometimes bend
Our love will be safe and sound
As we walk it together to the end
Where happiness and laughter abound
that is where our love is found
That was fun !!