Where has the time gone?
Well we are not so sure we can still do a daily prompt or if anybody will still care to play with us but we are going to give it a good effort... hopefully we will be able to comment on your blogs and not get booted off everytime we start to write...so here we go...
Today's prompt is USE THESE WORDS...
The rules are you must use at least 8 of the 10 words as they are given in any form of poetry or prose... today's words are...OVERALL, REACH, ACTION, TRULEY, STATE, JAW, MINDS, PLEA, SHELF, HOLD
My jaw tightened, truley there is no action in my minds eye that could break the hold he has on my heart.
I plea for the love he placed on a shelf and state the obvious once more...
'I love you, but overall I can no longer be what you reach for only when it suits your needs'.
Leaving, he took my heart and never looked back.
Lessons of pushing love too far....