This is a prompting Blog

My intent here is to write a poem from the prompt I give to you , the reader, in hopes that it will inspire something and get others to write with me.

Saturday, June 11, 2011

We're back !!

It has been a long and hard week for us, between work and my daily headaches I really haven't had the mind to write. But Bandit is insisting that I get it together and quit being selfish...tee hee hee... so finally having a day off and a ton of ibuprofen (6 so far today) here we are !!

To get back into the swing of things we are offering up the USE THESE WORDS Prompt... Todays words are WIDE-EYED, ADMITTEDLY, SHOVELFUL, BRAINWASHED, MASKED, FESTIVAL, PROTECTED, OVERWOUND, GAWKINESS, JOVIAL...The rules are you must use 8 of the 10 words as they are given in prose or poetry form... OURS IS...

My Poetry

My mind is overwound
with feelings that are masked
I live in wide-eyed wonder
jovial with each daily task
admittedly I'm simple
brainwashed by my rhyme
a festival of word play
protected in my mind
reason full of gawkiness
a shovelful of doubt
rhythum in my words
thats what poetry's about