Today's Prompts are...
Here at Dodge Writes we are doing the Rondeau, which consists of thirteen lines of eight syllables, plus two refrains (which are half lines, each of four syllables), employing, altogether, only three rhymes. It has three stanzas and its rhyme scheme is as follows: (1) A A B B A (2) A A B with refrain: C (3) A A B B A with concluding refrain C. The refrain must be identical with the beginning of the first line.
Carry on Tuesday This week, we have last words from Gone with the Wind by Margaret Mitchell After all, tomorrow is another day. Use all or part of it within your poem or prose then leave the url of your piece with Mister Linky. A comment would also be appreciated.
Three word Wednesday @ This weeks words are...
Damp; adjective: Slightly wet; noun: Moisture diffused through the air or a solid substance or condensed on a surface, typically with detrimental or unpleasant effects; verb: Make (something) slightly set; control or restrain (a feeling or state of affairs).
Incensed; verb: To make very angry.
Skid; verb: Slide, typically sideways; slip, slide; noun: an act of skidding or sliding; a braking devise consisting of a wood or metal shoe.
Write a letter Wednesday @ This week's Write A Letter Wednesday prompt is to write a letter to whomever you think might bestow a superpower, requesting a superpower of your own, explaining why you'd like to have it and what you intend to use it for.
One Stop Poetry @ Post your poem, read the others and get read !!
LOL... is that enough ? Off we go.. OURS ARE...
I am worthy, for after all,
I'm a hero before the fall
Incensed at loves unfair ways
My eyes are damp, I cry always
still I run to loves beckon call
Through the mud I skid and crawl
a chance of love or punching ball
it matters not for still I say
I am worthy...
and there I find within the squall
loves hand reaching, I am enthralled
saying tenderly, it's okay,
tomorrow is another day
these tears will fade, for after all,
I am worthy.
Through the mud I skid and crawl
a chance of love or punching ball
it matters not for still I say
I am worthy...
and there I find within the squall
loves hand reaching, I am enthralled
saying tenderly, it's okay,
tomorrow is another day
these tears will fade, for after all,
I am worthy.
Three in one... WHEW !!!
AND... some prose...
Mother Nature...
You have superpowers beyond belief, you have the power of life itself, not to mention the elements that bend to your touch. I dont ask for any of your superpowers, for a mere human such as myself, the endless worries you must have would be more than I could take.
Instead I would ask for just one moment to be given the power of a dragons flight. To feel the heat of the sun on my back and the cool of the wind on my skin. I would enjoy giving rides to any creature amoungst us, and would prove how wonderful dragons are.
No creature would fear me, for I would show all the love of life forever in that sweet moment... If only in dreams...see you there Mother.
Your Loving Child,
We hope you enjoyed todays prompts as much as we have... PLEASE link up with Mr. Linky here and at the other wonderful sites from today... Thank you for joining in !!