This is a prompting Blog

My intent here is to write a poem from the prompt I give to you , the reader, in hopes that it will inspire something and get others to write with me.

Friday, March 18, 2011

Friday Poetically with One Stop Poetry

So here is today’s challenge:
1. Write a poem based on the work of art and post it on your blog.
2. Input the direct link to your poem in Mr. Linky.
3. Visit others that have linked up and tell them what you think of their interpretation.


I wait here my Lady
for your loving arms
as I told you I would
succumbing to your charms
time has passed slowly
though here I still wait
alone in this moment
of my endless fate

Others would have gone
not keeping their vow
but my love , my lady
is stronger some how
It was cast in the stars
when my heart you first kissed
a long ago moment
that has left me like this

Eons have may pass me
I've lost track of time
yet your whispers of love
still ring like a chime
I'm your knight in armor
though I have turned to stone
longing for the sweet day
I can sit at your throne