This is a prompting Blog

My intent here is to write a poem from the prompt I give to you , the reader, in hopes that it will inspire something and get others to write with me.

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Today's Prompt is Butterfly cinquain

Butterfly cinquain is a nine-line syllabic form with the pattern two, four, six, eight, two, eight, six, four, two
Since we have done this form recently, lets do it about something Spring and lets make it a double (two nine lined stanza's) OURS IS...

The air
has a freshness
that lingers in the nose
like fresh cut grass in the summer
or like
the warm sun melting away
the nights frosty fingers
as icy grips

brings signs of Spring
bulbs breaking through the ground
sounds of birds chirping in the trees
and bees
busily buzzing each flower
gathering the pollen
walking through the