This is a prompting Blog

My intent here is to write a poem from the prompt I give to you , the reader, in hopes that it will inspire something and get others to write with me.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Today's Prompt is Crown cinquain

Crown cinquain a sequence of five cinquain stanzas functioning to construct one larger poem. Today we will do this Prompt combined with this
One Stop Poetry: "One Shoot Sunday" Picture Prompt Challenge
This is my first time participating with One Stop Poetry , I found it in a dear poetess blog, Helena, at Memory Box Creations... She is one of our followers and has a lot of great poems, so I had to follow suit !
iPhoneography by Iquanyin

footprints of old
Times when life allowed us
to be free of the shoes we wear

Feet bare
running freely
through the sands of our youth
enjoying the warmth of the Earth
toe's spread

Years pass
tendering toes
sandals replace freedom
as we start to act our real age
grown up

But no
I will refuse
No shoes will ever bind me
While the sand is hot from the sun's

I will
leave a small trace
to show the way I came
as I gracefully disappear

WOW That was fun !!


  1. Great poem lady.I really enjoyed it. By the way I see you have eight followers now,YEA!!!

  2. cool. glad you had fun with the prompt! "sandals replace freedom" nice line, and overall your poem has a nice tactile aspect to it. cheers

  3. Our lives
    Are like footprints
    Left in the sands of time
    Marking our passage through the world,

    Our mark seems lost
    All the many footprints
    Left by all the other people
    Hide them

    Our life’s footprints
    May seem washed away by
    The raging tide of history
    Time lost

    People blaze out
    From history’s vast sea
    For our fallible memory,
    To hold

    Our lives
    Leave their footprints
    Stamped on our families
    In the heart of friends forever

  4. I see
    Your footprints lead
    Along the sands of life
    Illuminated by the sun

    I should
    Follow your path
    Stepping in your footprints
    I ought to try and seek you out

    I still stand here
    Looking at your footprints
    For they are oh so beautiful

    I yearn
    To be with you
    But my heart is afraid
    I will destroy the marks you’ve made

    Have I
    The courage to
    Follow on behind you
    And keep your footprints in my heart

  5. Richie, thank you so much, you are my greatest fan and I love you !!!

    Dustus, Thank you for coming to chesk out my response to the picture prompt, it is enjoyable, I hope to do it everyday !

    Penny, My Girl, What can I say, you amaze me with your talent !

  6. I spent some time chatting to a lady called Annie today while we waited for her daughter to pick her up. This one is for Annie:

    Time Traveller
    Along my memories
    I dance at random intervals
    And live

    I’m five
    It’s my birthday
    My friends and family
    Are singing, I open presents
    There’s cake.

    My love
    I sit with you
    As you lie there in bed
    Breathing your last as I hold you
    You die

    A flash
    Hold quite still, smile
    The photograph will show
    A wedding day of happiness
    For us

    Now back
    To three, to ten,
    What age am I right now?
    Who knows? Who cares? Senility?
    My life.

  7. WOW love the whole time traveler thoughts, very nice !!
