This is a prompting Blog

My intent here is to write a poem from the prompt I give to you , the reader, in hopes that it will inspire something and get others to write with me.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Words Of Wednesday

Today we have a few Prompts we are doing... Please feel free to do one or all of these Prompts, follow the links or use our Mr Linky to post yours.
We are starting with Dodge Writes  (HAIKU) and Three Word Wednesday Today's words are loud, Persuasive, riches

Life's many riches
Persuasive to those without
for those with, life's loud

LOL We tried at least !

Okay on we go to our next ones...Write a letter Wednesday @ Where we are asked to write a letter to our pets, but we got mixed up and thought it was for the weatherman ..LOL  and since we love to write poems, OURS IS...

Weatherman, Weatherman,
For years you went to classes
to predict whether sun or rain
will fall upon the masses

Of  atmospheric processes
I have not got a clue
That's why each early morning
I tune in to watch you

But I have a problem
sometimes with your forecast
You see I live in mountains
Of which you just look past

Barometric pressure 
still affects us way up here
temperature and precipitation 
are things we need to hear

So while you collect your data
on wind chill, rain and sun
Remember all us mountain folk
Wont you do that for us Hun??

LOL, we crack ourselves up sometimes !!

So in the spirit of doing things right...we are adding this shorty prompt...
Write a story or poem between 25-50 words without using the letter 'S'. Tee Hee Hee...

  Valentine in her garden
Our cat Valentine waited, patiently, until the hummingbird arrived. It landed on a flower, too far for her to reach, or did it?
With a lunge Valentine had it in her mouth and I thought, 'bye hummer,'  but then, a meow and out of her mouth it went...flying away.

LOL... A true story, and yes the hummer was fine !

On to our final prompt for today, which actually was from yesterday, but our headache was stronger than our ability to fight it, so we are doing it today... Where we are asked to write a tribute to someone we are grateful for
Ours is for Mom...


I know how much you love me
I see it in your face
when you put your arms around me
and we share a soft embrace
I  hear it in your gentle voice
and know you understand
I feel it in your tender touch
each time you take my hand

I know how much you love me
I see it in your eyes
the look that reassures me
more than you realize
I sense your real concern for me
in everything you do
no one could ever love someone
more than I love you

We congraulate the team of One Stop Poetry and hope you will join us there @

Well that is what we came up with for today, hope that you enjoy reading and that you will leave a comment and do one or all of these with us and Link up !!

Mr Linky awaits...


  1. sheilagh lee said: wonderful works .

  2. Thank you for stoping in, glad you liked our fun for the day !!

  3. Lol, I'm back and oh how I missed your writing.
    Just great, this made my day.. Thanks JL! Susie

  4. Thank you for coming by today. Love all your poems and what you did with each prompt. Beautiful. Love them each one. My ehart is close to the weatherman at the moment.


  5. Thank you for coming by my blog as well. It was a beautiful tribute to your mom.

  6. thanks Dodge, we never would have won without poets like you. i like your haiku...your second line, what does persuacive mean to you in this line?

  7. Lovely set of favourite was Valentine's story..Jae

  8. I give you props on a tough 3WW for poets.

  9. On your Haiku... Boy isn't that the truth! I loved the flow of your poem for Carry on Tuesday, a treat to read!

  10. Thank you all so much for stopping in...
    Brian... Persuasive in this poem for us means we work hard to get what we want and need and in that we are pursuaded to work harded for them.
    jaerose... yeah that is a true story that had a happy ending, though writing that many words with out using the letter s was a task !

    Penny ... Ive been a day late with a lot of my writes, I know how it is ...Tee hee hee !

    ThomG thank you The words were fun to try !

    Amanda Thank you so much, we love your site !

